Participation as an Instrument for Sustainable and Inclusive Regional Development
Social-ecological transformation needs participation. The project wants to foster real participatory democracy, and therefore foresee the steps:
- Found a trans-local network and working group for participation and social-ecological transformation
- Showcase (online) successful participation in attractive and concise ways, including “backstage” information, helping others to learn how to make it work (and what pitfalls to avoid).
- Organise peer learning within the network (“inner vision club”)
We would like to achieve:
Radical democratisation in all areas, with a first focus on regional development.

Who will benefit?
- Transformation-engaged persons and organisations, getting arguments and tools for democratisation at hands
- People in public administration and politics, learning how participatory democracy works in practice
- On a societal level: people, who are empowered to co-create the environment and society they want to live in (at least partly; instead of the feeling of powerlessness, the withdrawal into the private sphere and the disintegration of society into individual interests)
What Challenges we see:
It’s a lot of work and needs commitment in a situation where all engaged people are usually overworked.
What we need:
#Money (Funding to pay the person doing the major workload) #People, #Working time #Materials #Spaces #Services #Tools #Knowledge #Learning #Support #Solidarity #Multipliers #Publicity
Next Steps
to be announced
Committed persons & Contact
Federica Maino, Daria Habicher, Sabina Frei, Thomas Benedikter, Sergio Previte, Kris Krois, …